Sunday, August 16, 2015

The White Savior: Benevolent Racism and Bernie Sanders

So presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has come forth and plainly stated an apology to #BlackLivesMatter was not his doing, and further it was "unnecessary."

Oh for fuck's sake, Bernie...

Look. Bernie has a lot of things going for him. His economic policy, his platform on social welfare, education, environmental concern all have me rooting for him. I think he could affect a lot of positive change for a great many marginalized people, and could over all improve the quality of life for many Americans.


Let's break this down, shall we?

Bernie Sanders does not feel an apology is necessary. He feels that based upon his voting and advocacy track record his loyalty should not have been questioned to begin with. He feels he has earned the support of black Americans, that it is a done deal, beyond the scope of reproach or suspicion.

That's white privilege speaking.

Yep, you heard me. He feels he's done enough to engender the support of a body who are actively soliciting his help. He feels he can dismiss those queries and calls to action because he already deserves their aid in his bid for the presidency.

The fact is racism and racist ideology are pervasive even among those who rally to improve lives and to educate themselves on matters of race and white supremacy. It is a continual process to confront these biases in order to grow as an ally (or frankly, to become one to begin with). Prominent social justice warrior and Sci-fi author Dennis R. Upkins has been an invaluable mentor in honing my own critical lens and calling out slip ups and messy racist thinking that has culminated from years of ignorance from never being asked to confront those issues in my own life. When I fuck up, Mr. Upkins hands me my ass (in a loving way, thankfully, because he knows my intentions are good!). But if there is one important lesson he has taught me, it is to own my shit and listen. And that is exactly what Sanders is NOT doing.

By dismissing the protests and entreaties for action, Bernie Sanders is saying "I know better what you need than you do." And THAT is racist, white-supremacist thinking. Do I believe Sanders will address racial injustice with actionable policy? Yes. I do. But it is not because he is truly an ally. He will do so because it makes him feel important to help those "less fortunate." It's white savior mentality at its finest.

For serious, tho.

If Sanders was truly an ally, his response would have been more along the lines of the following:

"I wish to formally apologize to the #BlackLivesMatter movement for
 my alarming unpreparedness in addressing your concerns. Despite my 
track record of advocacy, it is now clear to me that being an ally 
is an ongoing process of addressing biases, confronting your 
own problematic thinking, and actively working to deny the 
privilege that white status affords. And so I offer not only my sincerest 
regrets for my inadequacy, but pledge to educate myself and to learn all I 
can about the realities of this unjust and racially biased system so that 
I may work cooperatively with the #BlackLivesMatter movement to 
combat racism and white supremacy in concrete and actionable policies." 

It really is far less difficult than you might think to admit you screwed up and you need to learn more. It is okay to be wrong. It is not, however, okay to dismiss the needs and voices of a body of people for the sake of your own pride. Nobody asked for a savior, Bernie, especially not a self-entitled, snide, and latently (blatantly?) racist one. Own your shit and listen.

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